
Cash in advance

We must receive payment in advance before your order can be processed and the goods can be dispatched, unless we have agreed otherwise in advance in writing.

Bank transfer

Kosynier Michał Bielawski

Bukowa 31

64-320 Buk


PL 21 1020 4144 0000 6102 0244 9346

PKO Bank Polski S. A.

Direct Debit

The payment Direct Debit is available only from the second order.

Credit Card

With the submission of the order, you are sending us your credit card details at the same time. After your identification as the legal cardholder, directly after the order, we will ask your credit card company to initiate the payment transaction. The payment transaction is automatically carried out by the credit card company and charged to your card.


During the ordering process you will be forwarded to PayPal’s online website. To pay the invoice amount via PayPal, you must be registered there or register first, identify yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instructions to us. After submitting your order in the shop we instruct PayPal to initiate the payment transaction.

Directly afterwards, the payment transaction is carried out automatically by PayPal. You will receive additional information during the ordering process.
